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Divine March 2012

Divine March for Universal Integration & Peace


October 14th - October 18th 2012
August 20th - August 27th 2012

Meeting at American Jewish Centre, Washington DC
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Chandi Homam, Durga Temple, Viriginia
- Video Clip

Virginia/Maryland August, 2012

Meeting at Jewish Temple in Washington DC

Swamiji met with Rabbi Gil Steinlauf and his staff at Jewish temple in Washington DC and discussed about peace and universal integration.

The meeting was held in a the very peaceful atmosphere of the temple and the Rabbi and the staff were very affectionate and were full of admiration for Swamiji and His mission. During the meeting Swamiji said that God is a divine power with no form and is the basis for this creation and human beings attribute the form of their choice to God choice for their own concenteration. Hence there should be no conflicts in the name of religion. Swamiji sang the song God is one, God is one, God is one for every one for delight of all. Swamiji said that the body is the real temple of the lord and the heart is the altar of the lord. Swamiji said that the body and the Mother Earth are composed of the same five elements namely earth, water, air, fire, and space. It is very important to maintain the balance between the five elements for the body and the earth to be healthy and peaceful.   Swamiji added that during Dussera we are worshipping the power and we should gain that power. This is what spirituality is about. Spirituality should cover all the sections of the society and should make every one strong and peaceful.It is like heart beating which is beneficial to the whole body.  Guru is mother, Guru is father, Guru is advisor and navigator and He is God Himself, doing everything he seems to be doing nothing Swamiji added. Swamiji was pleased with the work the American Jewish committee was doing to bring about peace and said that he was always with them and would support them in their cause for peace.

Article in Andhra Bhoomi, September 19th 2012




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