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Swamiji's interview by ITV, New York in 2006


  • Your presence carries something that leaves people around you with peace and joy and something in them opens up which gives them a beauty. What is it that a person carries with him that is not visible, yet it leaves an impact on others?
  • How can we change the color of the aura and have more material in our aura that brings harmony, peace and joy and makes us effective instruments to reach the state of success we aspire for?
  • How Viswayogi has become a name for you? How someone who wants to be a yogi should lead his life?
  • You have mentioned about the experience of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. During your sadhana also you mentioned that you experienced the truth through different paths. Did you need a different guru for different paths?
  • How a particular Individual or soul is attracted to one particular form more intensely than he is attracted to another?
  • How people can maintain a sense of harmony either with family members, colleagues or friends?
  • Do you think it is OK to approach spiritual persons in order to take care of their material concerns?
  • Can universal mind be invoked to take care of terrorism and do you think that the idea of love can be taught to the terrorists?



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